So thanks to E.J. Stevens generous offer, I am now hosting my first ever Giveaway!
But First, lets learn about the lovely lady and her book "She Smells the Dead" (you can read my review of the book here)

E.J. Stevens is the author of the haunting collection of dark poetry FROM THE SHADOWS, the chilling collection of paranormal poetry SHADOWS OF MYTH AND LEGEND, and newly released novel SHE SMELLS THE DEAD the first book in the Spirit Guide young adult paranormal romance series. SPIRIT STORM, the second book in the Spirit Guide series, is due to release January 2011.
E.J. is currently working on LEGEND OF WITCHTROT ROAD, the third book in the Spirit Guide series, due to release late 2011.
E.J. is a graduate of the University of Maine at Farmington with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She has worked a variety of jobs that demonstrate the human condition including schools, psychiatric hospitals and *shudder* shopping malls. E.J. currently resides in a magical forest on the coast of Maine where she finds daily inspiration for her writing.
1. When did you decide to start writing?
I have been fascinated with storytelling for as long as I can remember. My early childhood was steeped in tales of supernatural horror and suspense and I was always striving to tell the most haunting, spine tingling tale. As I grew older, writing became a natural progression of my love for storytelling.
2. Yuki has a pretty unique ability, was it difficult to come up with the story centered around someone who smells the dead?
The idea for She Smells the Dead came to me while walking past the overgrown graveyard beside my home. I was overwhelmed by a strong smell and suddenly wondered what it would be like to have a psychic connection with spirits of the dead that came in the form of smells (clairalience), rather than sight or sound. I knew how unpleasant high school could be for someone who chose to think and dress unconventionally, and imagined that smelling the dead would make my character’s teen years even more challenging. Fortunately for Yuki, she has some amazing friends.
3. Who was your favorite character to write about? Who was your least?
I really love all of the characters in She Smells the Dead. They’re so much fun!
My favorite character changes from day to day, but I have to admit that Emma was the most fun to write. Emma is such a strong character. She’s intelligent, confident, and stands by her convictions. Emma is also an incredibly loyal friend.
My least favorite character in She Smells the Dead was Gordy, but that was only due to the steep competition. It’s hard to compete with Emma’s strength, Yuki’s individuality, Cal’s loyalty, and Simon’s roguish charm.
4. If you could change something about your book what would it be?
If I had a time machine, I would jump in and journey back to change the pacing of the opening chapters of She Smells the Dead. It is always difficult to find a balance with the first book in a series, it’s important to introduce characters to the reader, but there are times I wish the first chapters were as fast moving as the rest of the story.
5. Did you have to do alot of research on spirit animals?
I researched spirit animals in various cultures throughout history, and conducted interviews to better understand existing beliefs and practices, however this research was only a foundation for the fictional spirit animals that appear in the Spirit Guide series.
6. What was the hardest part of writing She Smells the Dead?
Trying to write while giggling. Really! I would be writing dialogue and just start laughing out loud.
7. If Simon, Yuki, Emma and Calvin were ice cream, what kind would they be? why?
Simon would be fried ginger ice cream. He’s sweet once you get past the tough outer shell…and a bit spicy.
Yuki would be mocha almond. She’s a total caffeine fiend…and a bit nutty.
Emma would be vanilla frozen soy. No animal products in her dessert. No way!
Calvin would be chocolate. He’s mysterious, smooth and delicious.
8. Spirit Storm is to be released in 2011, can you give a little tidbit about it?
Spirit Storm is filled with paranormal mystery and adventure, but I have to warn you this book is intense!
Spirits of the Dead are coming...
Yuki is about to face an army of lost souls on Samhain, the night of Halloween, when the spirits of the dead roam free. Yuki will need all the help she can get from her friends, but will Calvin be there for her when she needs him the most?
Fun Stuff:
1. What would you want your spirit animal to be?
My spirit animal is the red-tailed hawk. In many cultures hawks are thought to be messengers and have the ability to awaken visionary power and guide you to your life purpose. The hawk is also believed to be a catalyst for new ideas. When I’m having a case of writer's block, I close my eyes and picture a red-tailed hawk flying to me carrying a new story idea.
2. What is your favorite flower?
I love the dramatic look of black roses. I think Yuki would approve.
3. What are your personal thoughts on Bee Oppression?
I tend to be more like Yuki than Emma. I’m vegetarian, not vegan, and don’t mind a bit of honey in my tea. I even wear leather boots. Egads! Emma would be quite upset with me.
You can get "She Smells the Dead" by purchasing it at
Amazon and you can also check out the offical Spirit Guide Series webiste
and now...
3 winners will each recieve
If i get enough people to enter, lets say 10 one special person will recieve She Smells the Dead as a gift for your kindle (or any device that can run the kindle app) courtesy of me. If more people join, I will add more prizes, such as Amazon gift cards.
In Case you dont know what the covers for She Smells the Dead and Spirit Storm look like, they are below and these are what the postcards/bookmarks will look like!
Gorgeous right?
How do you enter?
Just leave a comment here with your email address!
You do not have to be a follower (though I would appreciate it!)
Must be in the US
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Good Luck!!!