Saturday, December 11, 2010

Title - She Smells the Dead
Author - E.J. Stevens
Genre - paranormal/YA
Pages - 163
Format Read - Ebook
Description (goodreads)
It's the beginning of senior year and Yuki's psychic awareness of ghostly spirits is threatening to ruin her life. Her ability to sense spirits of the dead isn't glamorous like on TV. SHE SMELLS THE DEAD. Yuki is being visited in her dreams and suspects that her friend Calvin is involved in something strange. Will Yuki be able to save the spirits and herself?

First off: LOVED this book! Second: HOW DARE YOU STEVENS?! Such a cliffhanger!

She smells the dead is a unique take on paranormal YA fantasy  It tells the tale of Yuki, formally known as Vanessa who can smell the dead. Well, not 'smell' them (ick!) but she can smell scent impressions. One day she is hit with a very pungent vinegar smell and thus, the story begins.

Yuki is a great main charactor, she is witty, kind and a bit sassy. She loves her friends and has a great relationship with them. Shes into anime, dark clothes and much to her suprise, her best friend Calvin. Calvin is the typical YA guy, hes cute and sweet and of course drool worthy. However, he has a secret, one that Yuki initially is a bit freaked out about but nothing she cant handle!

Her other best friend is Emma. Emma is the animal rights activist in the group. A vegan and Calvins antagonizer she was a fun addition to the story, shes smart and helps out Yuki and Calvin in a big way later on in the story. The other characters (Simon, Gordy, etc..) are well thought out and add charm to the story.

She smells the dead is quirky, funny (Seriously, I giggled everytime I read the words: Bee Oppression) and terrific for those who want a new spin on your paranormal stories. While not a very long read, it is entertaining and the ending leaves you wanting more!


  1. Laurie-J said...
    Thanks for the well-penned review. I have to admit this book has been on my TBR list for quite a while...I am so looking forward to digging in!! GOOD NEWS - I have heard the Bk 2 Spirit Storm will be out soon!!
    TheBookAddictedGirl said...
    I have this, and I can't wait to read it now! Luckily, I have Sprit Storm too, though, so the cliffhanger hopefully won't be quite so bad!
    Awesome review!

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