Saturday, July 23, 2011

Review - Cameo the Assassin

Cameo The Assassin
Author - Dawn McCullough White
Genre - Fantasy
Pages - 200

The Kingdom of Sieunes is rife with taverns, dirty streets, and clay pipe smoking citizens all toiling to feed their families and keep themselves in something little better than rags. With a foiled revolution just ten years prior still burning in the hearts of many, the royals enlist the aid of assassins to keep things in order. The townsfolk entertain themselves by dreaming of better times to come and regaling in stories of the undead said to walk the graveyards at night... and of Cameo the killer with corpse-like eyes...

Scarred and jaded Cameo is one of the most effective assassins in the employ of the Association, moving from one mission to the next as long as the alcohol keeps flowing. Her acceptance of the murder-for-hire lifestyle is thrown into doubt when she meets a local highwayman with a penchant for fine clothes and women, and then she begins to think about breaking with the company but no one ever breaks with the Association under good terms.

What do you get when you mix a sort of undead assassin with a flamboyant highwayman and a 15 year old acolyte prospect? A great story!

Cameo the Assassin was a very entertaining read, the characters where light, funny (but they also had serious sides, especialy Cameo) and made the book a gem. Cameo and her unique crew are on the run from Cameos old employer after she killed another member of the guild. This takes the band on many adventures and dangerous turns.

Cameo was a great character, she is hard and her reputation precedes her as she has even turned into a sort of childs warning story. However, she does have moments of sweetness and my heart melted for her. Our highwayman, Black Opal and Bellamy were a great pair, very funny and charming. Bellamy was the more serious one who thought rationaly. Opal though was outlandish, sarcastic and rash. I loved him. He added the needed comic relief and the occasional  fluffy/touching moment. He is also the man who gets Cameo out of her shell and starting to think shes not a monster.

There is little swearing in this book and no sexual content, there are moments where romance becomes a maby, but this is more about action than love, however at the end there may the start of something more.. Cameo and the Assassin has a sequel, Cameo and the highwayman which I hope questions are answered and Cameo begins to like herself and othersmore.


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