Thursday, January 23, 2014

Review - Dragon Wytch

Dragon Wytch
Author - Yasmine Galenorn
Series - Otherworld #4
Genre - Urban Paranormal
Pages - 275

Description from Goodreads 

We're the D'Artigo sisters: savvy--and sexy--operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency. But being half-human, half-Fae short-circuits our talents at all the wrong times. My sister Delilah shapeshifts into a tabby cat whenever she's stressed. Menolly's a vampire who's still getting the hang of being undead. And me? I'm Camille, a wicked-good witch, trying to juggle faulty magic, gorgeous men, and the demonic war in which we're embroiled. Sometimes, it's hard to know just who we can trust... 

 "The Equinox is coming, and mayhem rules. A crown-prince unicorn offers us a legendary gift, but it vanishes. Goblins and trolls swarm the streets of Seattle. And now Smoky, the sexiest dragon alive, decides to stake his claim--on me. Overshadowing it all, the third spirit seal surfaces and Shadow Wing's after it. But I've discovered a secret that could change everything. A new power is rising--a dangerous force from the past--one that intends to restore balance to the worlds...whether we like it or not..

Dragon Wytch is the fourth novel in the otherworld series and is told though the eyes of Camille, the moon witch. The sisters are looking for the third spirit seal to stop the demon Shadow Wing frmo destroying both otherworld and earthside. 

 The book was as up to par as the previous ones and i do enjoy Camilles voice. Her voice however just does not come with much action - outside the bedroom that is. Camille is sexy, Camille has three lovers, yada yada we get it. The book was more centred around her love life than it was about saving the world and yes, while it is also important to establish relationships, it was just too much to handle in one go. 

The other characters are still there, Morio, Trillian (who is there not so much) Smoky, Dellilah, Chase, Menolly, etc.. and each has retained thier personalities very well and make the book what i expect from this series: very well done.

There are some nice twists and turns and at one point i almost started crying. I am eager for the next book and the next point of view, lets just hope that it is more action outside of the covers.

1 Comment:

  1. Gina said...
    Sounds like you had a good time...and yes, I'm a fan of more out of the cover action as well. ^-^ Happy reading!

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