With us today is Karen Metcalf, author of In The Storm (Review here)
About The author

There’s a phrase in the South: “telling stories”, which means telling lies. Growing up, Karen Metcalf told a lot of stories, which wasn’t always a good thing.
She was raised on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where she spent most of her time reading science fiction and horror. She continues to explore those worlds through her writing, today.
Karen is 23 years old, and lives in Tucson, Arizona.
1. When/Why did you decide to get into writing?
I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. I wrote poetry for a long time, and was published twice as a kid. I hadn’t ever considered publishing In The Storm until someone told me it was worth it. I always knew I was passionate about it, but never thought I would get this lucky.
2. Why the young adult genre?
I have always been a huge fan of sci-fi and horror. It wasn’t until I started to read YA that I realized how much of those elements were in it. It was a combination of my favorite things, and a perfect fit.
3. Which charactor would you say is most like yourself? (Out of Morgan, Mitchell and Carly, we can leave Richard alone for obvious reasons)
Definitely Carly. Her reactions were based on what I think I might do in a similar situation. I relate to her the most.
4. In the Storm is very emotional and makes you think, did you find it difficult to come up with the themes and wording for the book?
I am not a brainstormer, so not much of it was planned until it showed up on the paper. I got into a flow and just let it rip. I can’t really plan things ahead, because they always change once I start writing anyway. My characters dictated the themes, and the rest was just how it was supposed to be *wink*. I did tend to go back and change words here and there, and of course it was edited. However, the majority of what is out now is still the original. It was difficult to write the more emotional scenes and I had to put myself there and consider how it would affect me, personally. That was not easy to do.
5. In the Storm is rather short, are you planning on continueing where it left off in a larger novel?
I don’t yet know if there will be a sequel, but I have learned to never say never. It’s always in the back of my mind.
For Fun
1. what is your ideal vacation?
Definitely the beach! When I moved from North Carolina to Arizona, I had no idea how much I would miss that. The coast has the best storms.
2. Cake, pie or cookies?
I’m actually not much of a sweets person, or sweet person for that matter, lol. But I would definitely have to go with cake, especially my Aunt Vicky’s Hershey Bar Cake!
3. what are some of your favorite books?
I love Stephen King’s The Long Walk and Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend. These have been my favorites for years.
4. Dog or cat?
Cat, for sure! I have a 20lb one named Hank.
5. What tv show can you NOT miss, even if the house were on fire?
Absolutely Fringe! Best show on television! The Office is a very close second.
You can check out more about Karen, her book, buy the book or get a sample at her